
Thursday, June 10th 2010

We battled the wind and survived today. We continued to prepare our performance cheer, and decorated megaphones with scrapbook paper and "jewels."

Wednesday, June 9th 2010

Today was fun....nope, make that over the top, totally crazy, super duper fun. The girls' personalities are really coming through now, and I am enjoying getting to know each one of them. Its amazing how games, songs, and matching sunburns bring out the best in a team.

After warm ups, we directly went to work on our performance cheer. It still needs a lot of work, but I think we are getting closer to having a final product.

After a good hour of cheering, we played a few games. Lil miss Rachel, taught us all a game called Predator and Prey and even brought a ball for us to play with. The girls loved that game, and I was so proud of Rachel for taking charge and teaching ME something new. Way to go Rachel!

Our Attitude is Everything (Snacks for the Soul) talk was about how part of having a good attitude is thinking positive even in bad situations. We learned about an old lady who went bald and instead of being upset decided to be happy that she no longer had to spend time on her hair. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Below is an activity that I actually learned at a U.S.A. cheer camp back in highschool. Its called "trust fall." Someone stands in the middle of the circle and falls, in a tight board-like position. The girls around her must catch her and pass her on. It teaches how to keep tight muscles (the flyer in a pyramid must keep all her muscles stiff) and helps build team connections. The girls had some problems catching each other, but I am pretty sure they had fun rolling on the ground in hysterical laughter when someone fell.

Rock paper scissors cheerleading style----tuck jump = rock, straddle jump = scissors, pencil jump= paper. The team that loses runs to base before getting tagged. If you are tagged you join the other team.

Lil' Sallie Walker.....go liberty go!
And how could I not post a picture of the spray bottle. Pretty much if we have a break, someone is squirting someone else with it in the face.....much like this one of Abby and Kammi.
Thanks to Katie English for the great photos!

Tuesday, June 8th 2010

Second day of camp: picture day. Holdsworth photography came this morning and took some great photos of the girls. (As always! Thanks Megan.) The girls looked adorable in their camp shirts decked out in blue. Prints of these will be given out on the last day of camp.

Once we got started with warm-ups, it was apparent to me that the girls were settling in to cheer camp. The group of shy girls I saw 24hours prior had amazingly disappeared.

Considering today was extremely hot, we spent much of the day playing cheer games under the Ramada. The favorite game this year seems to be Lil' Sallie Walker. Im pretty sure some of the younger girls would play that game literally for the whole 2 and a half hours if I let them.

 I also introduced Herkie Says today. Its a modified version of Simon Says, but the girls can only use cheer moves when they play.

Monday, June 7th 2010

First day of camp...and over all I would say it went well. The day started out with everyone (including myself) not knowing exactly what to expect. Many of the girls were shy, but I think by the end of the day their true (booty shakin') selves shined through.

Camp Welcome Speech. There are two rules at cheer camp: 1) Listen when Coach talks and 2) No being embarrassed!

This years theme is attitude is everything. The girls will learn a little bit everyday about why having good Attitudes are important. Today we learned that attitude is a choice. You choose how to respond to different situations, and usually when you have a good attitude, your life is easier.

 Partyin' in the USA with a little Miley. There is nothin' like a good dance stretch routine to get you goin' in the morning!

Our first chant: Go Big Blue lets Go!

Prescott Cheer Camp from Katie English on Vimeo.

Shoe Game: The girls were divided up into two teams and the first team to find their shoes and have everyone get em' on and stand up wins. It seems that whatever team I was on lost, no matter how many times we switched. 

Hand Motions and Jumps Clinic: This "class" focused on the basics. We learned how to clap correctly, the high V and low V positions, and how to be sharp. 

Learning the basic toe touch. Okay...this is a cool shot, but I cant help but hope this was on the way down and that my legs got higher than that. Why? Oh maybe because I seriously hurt myself, and to this minute my hamstring is telling me how mad it is at me. I guess thats what 10+ years, 20 lbs, and three babies will do to you. :(

Stunt Clinic: Today we also began learning basic stunts like pocket stands. The girls loved these! Abby was hilarious. When she was the "backspot" she would wrap her entire arms around that flyer so she would not fall. Even if the flyer was three times her size! 

I was also quite proud of the older girls ( aka the team captains.) They really got into the stunting and were brain storming all these cool ideas that they could try.